Saturday, March 26, 2016

Email marketing works.

A strategy employing email marketing can reap rewards for your venture—when you develop an email marketing plan that is immediate, easy to implement and cost effective.

Email marketing is immediate.

Write an HTML email today and reach your audience tomorrow. No other advertising venue enables you to reach your audience as quickly.

Email marketing is easy.

There are a plethora of email programs that design, publish, share, track, manage, integrate, etc. rich-text HTML email campaigns. I recommend taking a good look at Mail Chimp.

Email marketing is cost effective.

By comparison, HTML email is incredibly less expensive than a direct mail campaign involving printing and mailing.

Making email work for you―who really does come to your site.

Web site owners bemoan the fact they do not know who specifically looks at their website. At least with HTML email you will know exactly who is opening your email campaign. Email programs track who opens your email, what pages they click through to and what links they respond to. 

So now that you know who specifically is interested in your product and/or service you have a narrower group that you can direct a more targeted offer to.

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